Mushu | Woodland Adventures

Mushu - A Tale of Resilience and Love”
— Dog Photographer Bedfordshire

         In the enchanting woods of Bedfordshire, a heartwarming tale unfolded as I embarked on a photo shoot with the little Mushu, whose incredible spirit and zest for life captured my heart and it will capture yours. 

A Tale of Resilience
Rescued from the harrowing clutches of the Chinese dog meat trade, this brave soul now thrives in the loving embrace of her humans in the UK. As I  followed Mushu through the lush greenery, it became evident that this furry friend was not only relishing his newfound freedom but also cherishing the precious bond she shares with his loving humans.

In May 2020 the UK charity Underdog International launched a huge campaign called ‘The freedom flight 50’ with the aim to fundraise and rescue 50 meat trade dogs from the safehouse and get them to forever homes in the UK. Mushu's now owners saw her on the website, fell in love with her from just one photo on the website and applied to adopt her. The adoption process was long and in-depth, they had interviews and home checks and were so happy when they found out they had passed and were allowed to adopt! Mushu's owners fundraised to help cover the extreme costs of rescuing these dogs and waited 5 long months for Mushu to travel. Due to covid, flights were cancelled and restrictions made it very hard and also 4x the cost of what it would usually be.

The Bedfordshire Woods provided the perfect backdrop for this extraordinary photo shoot, allowing Mushu to bask in the beauty of nature while enjoying her new found freedom. The freedom to run, explore, and simply be herself, a far cry from the existence she once endured. Every playful chase, and every moment of uninhibited happiness was a celebration of life and a testament to the human capacity for compassion.

A Special Bond

Throughout the photo shoot, it was evident that Mushu's love for his humans knew no bounds. It was clear that the bond between them was incredibly special. Despite the past hardships, she had found a loving home where she was cherished and she showers her humans with unconditional affection. Their eyes would light up with joy whenever they interacted with him, reflecting the beautiful connection they shared.

Capturing the Magic:

With each click of the camera, I sought to encapsulate the enchanting story that unfolded before me. A heartwarming tale of resilience, hope, and the power of love to heal wounds. These images are a poignant reminder that there are countless animals worldwide who need our help and compassion, and that adoption can make all the difference in the world.

Our woodland photo shoot in Bedfordshire was nothing short of magical. Witnessing a carefree spirit and the love he shared with her humans. 

His transformation from a victim of the dog meat trade to a beloved companion thriving in the UK is a story that resonates deeply with anyone who values the sanctity of life and compassion.

May this heartwarming tale inspire us all to open our hearts to animals in need, and may we continue to fight for a world where every creature can live their best life, just like our furry friend in the woods.

A big Awooof from Bridget and The Beagles   


Winnie | Hughenden Manor